
Simple mutation

To illustrate what co is designed for, let’s begin with a hello world example:

>>> from co import Component
>>> from co.mutation import *
>>> hello = Component('Hello X!')
>>> hello.seq
Seq('Hello X!', Alphabet())
>>> hello_world = hello.mutate([Mutation(6, 1, 'world')])
>>> hello_world.seq
Seq('Hello world!', Alphabet())

Features & feature inheritance

Component.feature stores feature annotations in Feature format. These feature annotations are attached to the component they are defined in allowing, among other things, easy access to a feature sequence. Features are attached to a component like so:

>>> from Bio.SeqFeature import *
>>> slogan = Component('CoPy is for DNA components', features=[
...                 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(0, 4), type='name'),
...                 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(12, 15), id='DNA')])
>>> slogan.features.add(FeatureLocation(16, 26)).seq
Seq('components', Alphabet())
>>> [f.seq for f in slogan.features]
[Seq('CoPy', Alphabet()), Seq('DNA', Alphabet()), Seq('components', Alphabet())]

When a component is mutated, co automatically translates the feature annotations from the parent to the new coordinate system:

>>> new_slogan = slogan.mutate([DEL(2, 2), DEL(12, 4)])
>>> new_slogan.seq
Seq('Co is for components', Alphabet())
>>> new_slogan.features
ComponentFeatureSet([Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(2)), type='name'),
                     Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(10), ExactPosition(20)))])
>>> [f.seq for f in new_slogan.features]
[Seq('Co', Alphabet()), Seq('components', Alphabet())]

When a region is affected by a mutation, any features contained in that region are deleted. Features that overlap the mutated region are trimmed. Features containing mutations are marked as changed. Features that are not affected by any mutation are left as they were—their starting coordinates are rewritten on the fly to map to the coordinate system of any inheriting component.

In the sample above, the type 'name' feature is resized by the mutation. The sequence of the id 'DNA' feature is deleted in its entirety and so the feature is deleted too. The feature spanning 'components' has not changed at all—but the mutations do affect its coordinates and so they are lifted over when the feature is accessed from within the mutated component.

>>> new_slogan.features.removed
{Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(9)), type='name'),
 Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(17), ExactPosition(20)), id='DNA')}
>>> list(new_slogan.features.added)
[Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(5)), type='name')]

Feature diffs

Component.fdiff() is designed for comparing the features contained in any two components:

>>> diff = new_slogan.fdiff(slogan)
Diff(added=(Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(9)), type='library'), Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(17), ExactPosition(18)), id='DNA')), removed=(Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(14), ExactPosition(17)), id='DNA'), Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(5)), type='library'), Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(13), ExactPosition(16)), id='DNA')))
>>> d.added
(Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(9)), type='library'),)
>>> d.removed
(Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(13), ExactPosition(16)), id='DNA'),
 Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(5)), type='library'))


Component.fdiff() is currently only implemented for components that directly inherit from one another. Internally, these values are looked up from Component.features.added and Component.features.removed as shown earlier. Eventually this will work with any two components regardless of ancestry.

Optimization behind the scenes

Feature annotations that are inherited from another component are not copied over in memory — instead they are looked up on the fly. Only added and removed features are stored. A feature is considered changed when its sequence is affected in any way. When a feature is changed, the old feature is removed and the new feature is added.

  • On-the-fly coordinate translation of unchanged features is done using translation.TranslationTable—inspired by the UCSC Chain Format.
  • Feature locations are indexed using interval.IntervalTree, currently implemented as a BST.

Combining components

Multiple components can be combined using Component.combine(). This function will either create a “source” feature annotation for each of the components that are being merged, or copy over all features from all components if copy_features=True.

>>> a = Component('Co')
>>> b = Component('Py')
>>> b.features.add(FeatureLocation(0, 3), id='python')
>>> c = Component.combine(a, b, copy_features=True)
>>> c.seq
Seq('CoPy', Alphabet())
>>> c.features
ComponentFeatureSet([Feature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(2), ExactPosition(5)), id='python')])

Strain inheritance

In addition to DNA components, co can track changes in haploid microbial organisms. HaploidOrganism can track added, changed, or deleted DNA components—such as chromosomes or plasmids—and aggregate features contained in the strains.

Strain components

HaploidOrganism.diff() tracks how components have changed across strains:

>>> from co.organism import *
>>> from co import *
>>> genome = Component('A')
>>> alpha = HaploidOrganism('alpha')
>>> alpha.set('genome', genome)
>>> beta = HaploidOrganism('beta', parent=alpha)
>>> beta.set('genome', genome.mutate([Mutation(0, 1, 'B')]))
>>> beta.set('plasmid', Component('AGCT'))
>>> beta.diff(alpha)
Diff(added=('plasmid',), removed=(), changed=('genome',))
>>> ~beta.diff(alpha)
Diff(added=(), removed=('plasmid',), changed=('genome',))

Strain features

HaploidOrganism.features returns a organism.FeatureView which is a searchable and iterable view of all features in all components of a strain.